Important Things

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Sweetest Contribution to Science Ever

This is totally sweet!

Two Japanese scientists just caught the first footage of a giant squid on camera. Tsunemi Kubodera and Kyoichi Mori captured over 500 photographs of the animal by baiting a hook at 2000 ft in the deep sea off the Ogasawara Islands. The animal, approxiametely 25 ft long, lost a tentacle on the hook, which is unfortunate for him but sweet for science. The researchers even report that the tentacle repeatedly gripped the deck and crew after it was hauled aboard. Sweet!

National Geographic has some of the advance photos, and a more thorough output will be published in the British journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B(iology). All of you are academics anyway, you can pull the article off of PubMed.

(update) Or you can read it here.

1 comment:

kittens not kids said...

i am not sure this is THE sweetest contribution ever - the coelocanth is pretty awesome - but it is certainly right up there.

even though i have a phobia of deep-sea things, the squid is pretty cool.